User Manual 1178.7100.02 ─ 05
(highlights) all relays and output channels that are included in the definition
of this path
Hence, do not confuse this function with
a path, which just
the defined
relays and channels to the target states.
When you load a path and then go to the
. Each relay and output channel specified in the loaded path
definition is now selected, hence, highlighted in orange color.
Figure 5-38: Example of a list of paths that are available for loading
To load a path, click its name in the dialog. Otherwise, to quit from this dialog without
loading, click the "Back" button .
When you load a path, the firmware brings up a warning, because loading overrides
the previous selection of relays and channels. Also, the previous switching states of
these relays and channels are lost. If you are sure that you want to load a path as the
new selection, confirm the dialog.
As a result, in the "Path Switching" dialog, the loaded path is shown as "Currently
Switched", the "Items selected" indicator is highlighted, and the "Manage path selec-
tion:" menu is shown.
Figure 5-39: Path Switching dialog after loading a path (here: PathC)
Path Switching