User Manual 1178.7100.02 ─ 05
Displays a list of all licenses for software options that you have deactivated, that
have expired, or that have become invalid due to system date manipulation.
"Used Deactivation Keys"
Displays a list of all deactivated software-option licenses, containing the following
deactivation key information: option description, part number, creation date, license
key, deactivation response and customer order number.
"Deactivate": provides a shortcut to
Device Messages
Access: "Main" > "Context Menu" > "Device Messages"
Displays errors, warnings and other messages. The messages button on the
opens the same dialog.
Figure 5-4: Example of messages (here: no error, 1 warning, no other messages)
"Errors" are severe and unexpected problems, for example:
Unknown modules detected
The EEPROM of the base unit, of the mainboard, of a connected module or of a
satellite unit is empty or cannot be read
The EEPROM of the base unit, of the mainboard or of a satellite unit has a mis-
matching part number
Scanning the I
C addresses has failed
The module bus connectors of a twin-bus module are crossed-over (erroneously
swapped), see
After the switching of a latching relay, its readback position is not as expected
A hardware operation does not proceed as expected
"Temporary Warnings" are transitory deviations from normal operation, for example:
No module was detected when starting the switch unit
A connected secondary switch unit does not respond
A path is not switchable, because a secondary switch unit involved in the path is