Switches and Controls:
The RP-7 is a full function preamplifier. The volume and balance controls are
extremely accurate attenuators which change in 0.5dB increments. The
preamp also has a processor loop, mono button, mute function (on
remote), power on/off button, and 5 input select buttons. All of these
functions are conveniently accessible on the hand held remote. A high
quality OLED indicates the input and volume. When using the balance
control the volume levels of both channels are displayed. The following
sections discuss operation of these controls.
Volume Control
The volume control has 192 steps which vary in 0.5dB increments. At turn on the
RP-7 defaults to a relatively low volume. The volume can be turned
continuously until reaching a reading at either 0 (min) or 200 (max).
Tactile Switches (buttons)
Power - If the RP-7 is turned off, pressing the power button will initiate the
start-up sequence and the blue LED above the button will light. If the unit is
on, the turn off sequence will begin and the blue LED will be extinguished.
Mono – Combines the left and right channels. When activated the blue LED
above the button will be lit.
Selector buttons – Pressing any of these will engage the selected input . A
blue LED above the button indicates the chosen input which is also displayed
on the screen.
Processor - activates the processor loop. When activated the blue LED above
the switch will light. Please note that if there is no processor connected
pushing this button will interrupt the signal (no sound will be heard).
Display defeat – Pressing this button toggles the display on and off. When the
display is off a single blue pixel remains to indicate the display is operative.
Remote Control
The RP-7 hand held remote contains most of the functions located on the front
panel. In addition, the remote also features a mute button that mutes the output
of the preamplifier. The balance operation on the remote is slightly different
than the knob on the faceplate. The remote balance operates in 1dB
increments down to -15dB and then jumps to -90dB. This allows fine
adjustment where it is most typically needed yet facilitates the extinguishing
of the channel without going through all of the intermediate steps.
Headphone Jack
The RP-7 includes a performance tube based headphone amplifier that uses a
¼” (6.35 mm) standard headphone jack. For performance reasons the jack
does not include a switch to break the audio signal. To mute the output from
the preamp either mute the preamp or turn off your power amp.