Smart Home Monitoring | LED Light Bulb | Introduction
Which Smart Home Monitoring
plan do you have?
2. Aware, Assure,
Protect, Control Plan
You'll be installing this device with your
Touchpad today. to go to Section 2.
1. Basic Plan
You'll be installing this device
with your smartphone today.
to go to Section 1.
Can’t remember which plan you’re on?
Login to your MyRogers account and look under
“Account Services” or visit
Helpful hints:
Please refer to the enclosed
manufacturer’s installation guide
for operating and safety
instructions. To avoid injury, read all set-up and safety information included in your package
before installing and setting up your device. As set out in your service agreement, Rogers will
not be liable for any damage to your property as a result of your installation. If you encounter
a problem setting up your device, or wish to book a Rogers technician to come set it up, please
call Rogers Technical Support at
1 888 764-3771
or visit
Click here
Click here