The Enhanced Orchestral Couplers feature allows you to play a first, second, third, and bass
melody line, all at the same time, just by playing chords. For example, one could play a chord
where the orchestral trumpet follows the highest key and an orchestral violin the second
highest key. Second and third melody lines are enabled for wind and string instruments only.
The Enhanced Orchestral Couplers feature also allows you to use any Orchestral A or B tab
(Inspire 2-manual organs) or LIBRARY A or B thumb piston (Inspire 343 or Imagine 351 organs)
on any manual, thus allowing you more flexibility.
As it is impossible for the organ to know what the organist actually intends to play, it is essential
that the organist follows three basic rules:
Don’t play legato.
For notes that are meant to be played at the same time, try to press the keys as
simultaneously as possible.
The second and third melody lines should be played within one octave range of the
highest key pressed (thus the first melody line).
An automatic split is activated when you press keys more than an octave apart. This will
prevent melody lines to be assigned to your left hand and the bass line to be assigned to your
right hand. Please take into account that when you play close together (within an octave
distance), the organ cannot distinguish between the left and right hand. For more control, we
recommend to use two manuals.
When you start playing, no automatic split is active until you press keys more than one octave
apart at the same time. The default timeout for the automatic split is 5 seconds.
The Enhanced Orchestral Couplers feature is turned OFF by default. Before you can use the
above described functions, it needs to be turned ON.