PRT32 v1.0 fv74.7 Rev. A EN
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supervised door) enables two-way passage control. The system setup utilizing an
XM-2 module provides higher level of security for door access control system by
separating its logical element (a reader unit) from the relay which controls a door
Note: When configured for Full Stand-alone mode, the PRT32 reader may operate
with the second PRT series reader. Both devices can create two way (entry/exit)
door control.
Online mode (Slave unit connected to a host device):
26/34/42/66 bit Wiegand data transmission formats
Magstripe data format (ABA Track II emulation)
RACS data format (for connection to PR series ACUs from Roger)
Various options for transmission of PIN codes
LED/BUZZER control input
Offline mode (Stand-alone mode):
System settings stored in nonvolatile memory
Enrolment up to 120 users
User identification by a card or PIN code
User indexing (ID indexed user records)
Support for
Door Contact
Exit Button
Door Alarm
Door Bell
Disarmed Mode
output and
Arming Disabled
input for integration with the
alarm system
Two way door control (requires second PRT reader to form a pair)
Uses built-in I/Os or remote XM-2 I/O module
Operating modes
There are two main modes of operation available for a reader:
Online mode
Offline mode
Online mode (host-controlled operation)
When in this mode, PRT32 reads cards or PINs and then transmits the collected
data to the host unit for further processing. The PRT32 offers the following data
transmission formats:
Wiegand 26bit
Wiegand 34bit
Wiegand 42bit
Wiegand 66bit
Magstripe (ABA Track II emulation, sometimes called Clock & Data)
RACS (for PR controllers from Roger)