Double MoS-FeT power Supply For high power ouTpuT anD loaD STabiliTy
new ClaSS-D aMpliFiCaTion CirCuiTry
new heaTSink STruCTure wiTh blue logo illuMinaTion
Fully variable CroSSover FrequenCy, 10hz – 400hz For highpaSS,
40hz – 400hz For lowpaSS
phaSe ShiFT ConTrol, Fully variable in beTween 0-180°
MoulDeD power inpuT anD Speaker ouTpuT TerMinalS
baSS level reMoTe ConTrol
Double MoS-FeT power Supply For high power ouTpuT anD loaD STabiliTy
inTernal Fan Cooling For iMproveD TherMal ManageMenT anD power heaDrooM
new heaTSink STruCTure wiTh blue logo illuMinaTion
eleCTroniC CroSSoverS wiTh inDepenDenTly SeleCTable operaTion MoDe: highpaSS, lowpaSS anD banDpaSS
Fully variable CroSSover FrequenCy, 10hz – 400hz For highpaSS,
30hz – 400hz For lowpaSS, or hp/lp CaSCaDeD For banDpaSS operaTion
phaSe ShiFT ConTrol, Fully variable in beTween 0-180°
MoulDeD power inpuT anD Speaker ouTpuT TerMinalS
Double MoS-FeT power Supply For high power ouTpuT anD loaD STabiliTy
inTernal Fan Cooling For iMproveD TherMal ManageMenT anD power heaDrooM
new heaTSink STruCTure wiTh blue logo illuMinaTion
eleCTroniC CroSSoverS wiTh inDepenDenTly SeleCTable operaTion MoDe: highpaSS, lowpaSS anD banDpaSS
Fully variable CroSSover FrequenCy, 10hz – 400hz For highpaSS,
30hz – 400hz For lowpaSS, or hp/lp CaSCaDeD For banDpaSS operaTion
phaSe ShiFT ConTrol, Fully variable in beTween 0-180°
MoulDeD power inpuT anD Speaker ouTpuT TerMinalS
Ro 1-2-4-CH ME def.indd 4
01.03.2006 10:55:27 Uhr