Pull until the knob on the band catches on the round end of the notch
Pull the band along the notch until you feel the knob catch into the
round end of the notch.
Once the larger end is secured, press the smaller end of the band
into the notch on the underside of the microphone body. The band
should press in and hold easily. Repeat this process for all four shock
mount bands.
You will notice the bands have two square ends of different sizes.
The larger end has a circular knob on one side. In the middle is a
tapered square, also with a circular knob on one side.
To fi t your band, match the shape of the band to the notches on
the Stereo VideoMic Pro’s body. The larger end of the band will
fi t into the notch near the top of the microphone body, and the
smaller end of the band will fi t into the notch on the underside of
the microphone body. Ensure that the tapered square at the middle
of the band has the knob side facing down, ready to press into the
shock mount cradle.
Match the shock mount band to the corresponding notches on the
microphone and shock mount
Start with the larger end of the band and press into the notch near
the top of the microphone body, ensuring the side featuring the
circular knob is facing inward.
Large end (Step 1)
Tapered square (Step 3)
Small end (Step 2)
Press the smaller square end of the band into the notch on the underside
of the microphone body