Rocpro T24
Software Technical Support
Software technical support is defined as assistance with questions and issues about the software that was either preinstalled by
Rocstor on the Rocstor branded product or that was included with the Rocstor branded product at the time of your purchase or
lease of the product. Technical support for software is available for the first ninety (90) days from date of product purchase or lease.
Your dated sales or delivery receipt, showing the date of purchase or lease of the product, is your proof of the purchase or lease
date. You may be required to provide proof of purchase or lease as a condition of receiving software technical support. After the
first ninety (90) days, technical support for software that was either preinstalled by Rocstor on the Rocstor branded product or
included with the Rocstor branded product at the time of your purchase or lease of the product is available for a fee.
WARNING: The individual user should take care to determine prior to use whether this device is suitable,
adequate or safe for the use intended. Since individual applications are subject to great variation, the
manufacturer “Rocstor” makes no representation or warranty as to the suitability or fitness of these devices
for any specific application.
Technical Support
The Rocpro T24Bay RAID is backed by free telephone technical support for two (2) years from the date of purchase. Please register
your product with Rocstor. To register, fill in the Limited Warranty Registration form in the Support tab at www.rocstor.com.
Free telephone technical support is available weekdays from 9 AM until 6 PM Pacific Standard Time. Customers in the United States
and Canada can call toll-free:
(888) 877-8777
; all others must call
(818) 449-2000
When calling for support, please have the product’s serial number (printed on the label on the bottom of the drive) and system
hardware information available.
© 2016, Rocstorage, Inc; acknowledges the following trademarks for company names or products mentioned
within the Rocstor site, portal pages and Articles/text/manuals:
Rocstor, Rocsecure and Rocpower are registered trademarks of Rocstorage, Inc. Rocpro, Rocport, Rocbit,
Rocsafe … are the trademarks of Rocstorage, Inc. "store your future", "secure your future" and “power your
future” are the slogan marks of Rocstorage, Inc.
Apple, the Apple logo, Mac, Power Macintosh, FireWire, and Mac Pro, Leopard … are trademarks of Apple
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Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows CE, Windows NT, Windows 98, Soft Windows, Vista … are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Intel, Itanium, Pentium, Celeron, and Xeon MMX … are registered U.S. trademarks of Intel; Thunderbolt and
the Thunderbolt logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries. HyperDuo
is the Register Trademark of Marvell Technology Group LTD.
This product is (may also be) integrated with SATA hard drives from the following manufactures: Seagate,
Samsung, Western Digital, Hitachi, Toshiba, Fujitsu …
All other names are trademarks of their respective companies.
Rocstor wishes to acknowledge the use of tables, charts, graphs and texts from the Wikipedia website. © 2000
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