The Sounddecoder
▪ Operation with Märklin
Mobile Station
Only Märklin
locomotives are included in the Märklin
Mobile Station Databank.
For docking Roco Locomotives in the Märklin
Mobile Station, use one of the two univer-
sal numbers 36330/37962. They are to be set this way:
Dock the locomotive in the databank:
1. The knob must be set to 0.
2. Press the ESC button.
3. Turn the knob to the menu option (“New Locomotive”).
4. Press the knob.
5. Turn the knob to the menu option (“Databank”).
6. Press the knob.
7. Choose one of the two universal numbers with the knob (we recommend starting with 36330)
8. Press the knob
Setting the Correct Address:
1. Press the ESC button
2. Move to menu option (Change Locomotive”) with the knob
3. Press the knob.
4. Choose menu option (“Address”)
5. Press the knob.
6. Choose the address of the locomotive
7. Press the knob.
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