that you can address. But very soon the loco decoders had been that powerful that eight memories had
not been enough to store all necessary information for the loco decoder setup (e.g. the speed table).
paged mode
was invented to ‘repair’ this problem. Two registers are used to access additional me-
mories: the registers 5 and 6. The programming is done in two steps. In the first step the desired memory
is stored in the register 5 and in the second step the information is written into register 6. After the pro-
gramming the decoder itself transports the information into the indicated memory. A complicate proce-
dure that didn’t survive a long time.
(direct-CV-programming) solves the problem in a much more intelligent way. The pro-
gramming information is transmitted in one stroke and contains both information, the memory and the
data. This is the actual easiest and fastest way to program a decoder.
For you it is a great help that the Lokmaus®2 can execute all those programming modes. By the menu
C9 you define which mode(s) of programming are done (see page 29).
IMPORTANT: Read the instruction of the decoder to be sure which programming mode, which
memories and which range of values are required by the decoder that you want to program! It
differs from one decoder-typ to the other.
For the ROCO loco decoders you find a table with their fea-
tures on page 34.
Programming the Digital Turnout Drive 42624
Install the drive into your layout. Plug the green programming-wire to the track as shown in the instructi-
on of the digital turnout drive 42624. Be sure that there is no loco on the tracks! Select at the Lokmaus®2
the address that the turnout drive should get. Press the buttons ‘P’ and ‘star’ simultaneously to enter
the standard programming mode for addresses. By the buttons ‘up’ and ‘down’ select the address that
the turnout drive should take. Press ‘P’ to start the programming procedure which writes the address
into the digital turnout drive. This procedure takes some time and the display indicates it by showing ‘P’.
After this procedure the Lokmaus®2 automatically return to the normal operation. Release the green
programming wire from the track. The turnout drive now can be operated by the button ‘F1’.
During this programming procedure further digital turnout drives 42624 may stay installed because the
turnout drive takes the address only in case that the green programming wire is attached to the track.
Be careful with switch decoders of other manufacturers (e.g. k87N, k73 and k74). They can be
damaged if they are programmed to a loco address!
in the 28 speed steps mode you can only use the button ‘F1’ to operate the drives. Using
the 14 speed steps mode allows you to use either the ‘star’ button and the ‘F1’. In this case you can ope-
rate two drives on the same address – controlled by the ‘star’ and the ‘F1’ keys (see instruction of
the digital turnout drive 42624).
In order to use both buttons you must set the address of the drive to 14 speed steps at the Lokmaus®2.
After the normal programming procedure – as shown above – you must press the button ‘star’ or ‘F1’ be-
fore you release the green programming wire from the track. By this button the turnout drive can be ope-
rated afterwards.
How to program other digital turnout drive or digital decoders for drives read the manuals of these deco-
ders. For drive decoders that can’t be operated by loco addresses you need the ROCO turnout keybo-
ard 10770.
Short circuit and overload
If a short circuit or an overload occurs then the Lokmaus®2 cuts the feeding of the layout. The display
shows two vertical bars with wide and small distance that flash alternately. You must remove the short
circuit or reduce the load of the layout. After that you can re-start the layout by pressing the ‘stop’ button.
After a short delay (about 1 second) the layout restarts.
The booster 10762
You need a booster if the Lokmaus®2 often shows the short circuit message but no train is derailed. In
that case an overload is occurred by too much power consumption e.g. by locomotives or illuminated
cars. The booster offers another 3 Amps to feed the layout and solves the overload. Every booster must
get his energy from a separate transformer 10718.
Booster and amplifier or two boosters must not be plugged together to the same transfor-