ming procedure and you can let off the key next to the green LED of the module. If an error
occurs during programming, only the two red lights at each signal will be blinking alternately
(German railway departure signal).
The signal module can only be set to four addresses in direct sequence. The ad-
dress groups start with 01, 05, 09, 13, 17 … etc. They fi t without gap into the groups of four
or eight of the turnout decoder.
Prototypical braking and stopping ahead of a signal showing “STOP” is now possible on digi-
tally operated model railways – even without computer. The ROCO brake generator 10779
performs this function excellently. It receives all information from the amplifi er or booster
which is sent via the rails to the locomotives. This information is changed in such a way that
among the locomotive commands the travel step is set to zero. The other components of the
locomotive command remain unchanged. This modifi ed information is combined through the
built-in amplifi er with the required current (2.500 mA) and is available to the brake generator
Locomotives with illuminated headlight retain this status, otherwise it will stay dark – individu-
ally adjusted for every locomotive. At a locomotive which is waiting at a signal you can even
change the light or initiate a whistle to request entry from the dispatcher! As a result of this
construction the brake generator is superior to comparable devices which will only transmit a
general command, a so-called “general call” which stops all locomotives, generally reverses
the direction of travel and always turns off the light.
Always watch:
Within the track sections that are connected to the brake generator other data
are transmitted to other sections due to the changed running commands for the locomotives.
A live connection of the different sections with different data would cause a short circuit which
could destroy an amplifi er or booster! Therefore you must be careful to provide reliable insula-
tion between the signal sections and the reminder of the layout. For this purpose insulate both
ends of the signal section with insulating rail connectors. When switching the signal sections
for instance via a relay two different power sources should never be applied at the same time
or connected with each other.
The ROCO signal module 10777 offers great advantages because it has the necessary safety
built in. Only the insulation of the signal sections must be provided by yourself.
Let us follow the operation within a block section (see fi g. 5 at page 14). A train is in the station
and receives the signal to depart. The block signal of our section is set to “GO” and our train
passes without stopping and continues its voyage. The signal behind the train changes and
shows “STOP” because the train has passed contact “B” and thereby triggered it. The signal
module presents the other signal aspect and additionally sets the contact “C” to trigger. The
signal section ahead of the signal showing “RED” remains connected with the running power
from the amplifi er.
The next train which enters the block section proceeds unhindered until it reaches contact “C”.
This must be placed so far into the section so that the entire train will be past the separation
(insulation) point. The contact “C” causes the signal module to switch the block section to the
Figure 6
The ROCO Brake generator 10779