Publication 284A-QS001C-EN-P - July 2006
Logic Configuration Details
Inside the Configurator file is a large User Defined structure called
Armor_Start_System, which contains all of the data for both the
configuration of the routine, and also storage space for all of the ArmorStart
parameters. With 20 devices, the total memory needed to hold this structure
in the Logix controller is 195K bytes. The diagram below shows the upper
part of the structure and 3 important elements.
Figure 15 Configurator File — Armor_Start_System
Armor_Start_System.Max_Devices defaults to 20; because the total
number of devices that the structure is designed to hold initially, is 20. This
amount can be easily changed, but doing so will also necessitate a
change to the size of the System Array structure to match exactly.
Note: The Logix memory that contains the structure will also change size
Shown below is the array size that will also need to be changed to match the
Armor_Start_System.Max_Devices value.
Figure 16 System Array Size
Armor_Start_System.Max_Parameters defaults to 262, because the
maximum number of parameters in any existing ArmorStart product is 262
or less. This amount can be easily be changed, and doing so will also
proportionally change the size of the System Array structure and the Logix
memory that holds it. Shown below is the array size that will also need to
be changed to be 1 greater than the
Armor_Start_System.Max_Parameters value. This is because the
parameters are stored by parameter number, and since there is no parameter
0, that storage location is unused.