Rockwell Automation Publication 2080-UM002N-EN-E - November 2022
User Interrupts
Interrupts allow you to interrupt your program based on defined events. This chapter contains
information about using interrupts, the interrupt instructions, and interrupt configuration. The
chapter covers the following topics:
For more information on HSC Interrupt, see
Use the High-Speed Counter and Programmable
Information About Using
The purpose of this section is to explain some fundamental properties of the User Interrupts,
• What is an interrupt?
• When can the controller operation be interrupted?
• Priority of User Interrupts
• Interrupt Configuration
• User Fault Routine
What is an Interrupt?
An interrupt is an event that causes the controller to suspend the Program Organization Unit
(POU) it is currently performing, perform a different POU, and then return to the suspended
POU at the point where it suspended. The Micro830, Micro850, and Micro870 controllers
support the following User Interrupts:
• User Fault Routine
• Event Interrupts (8)
• High-Speed Counter Interrupts (6)
• Selectable Timed Interrupts (4)
• Plug-in Module Interrupts (5)
An interrupt must be configured and enabled to execute. When any one of the interrupts is
configured (and enabled) and subsequently occurs, the user program:
1. Suspends its execution of the current POU,
2. Performs a predefined POU based on which interrupt occurred, and
3. Returns to the suspended operation.
Information About Using Interrupts
Using the Selectable Timed Interrupt (STI) Function
Selectable Time Interrupt (STI) Function Configuration and Status