Make absolutely sure that there is no dirt or dust inside the box or adhering to the movement. Ensuring a dust-free interior
helps prevent sound distortion caused by contamination of the cylinder, friction governor assembly or vibration plate.
Ensure that you do not touch the movement, either by hand or with a vacuum tool. Do not use an air blast to clean the
movement – it can damage or deform precision parts and can remove intentional lubrication, shortening the life of the
The position of the movement in the box depends on the location of the sliding release assembly. To install the sliding
release assembly, a groove 7/16" x 3-3/8" x 1/I6" must be cut into the inside wall of the box to guide the release slider
spring. The bottom edge of this groove should be 11/16” above the top of the resonator board. Drill a 5/16" diameter hole
through the center of the groove for the decorative release knob. Place the release slider spring into the groove; assemble
the L-shaped operating lever, plastic protective washer, release knob and nut, and tighten the nut firmly.
Move the release knob as far to the left in the 5/16" diameter hole as possible; then position the music movement so that
there is a 1/64" gap between the movement stopper lever and the sliding release assembly operating lever. To ensure the
sliding release properly engages and releases the movement stopper lever, you may need to bend the release assembly
operating lever slightly once the movement is mounted.
Mark the movement mounting hole locations, remove the movement and drill the mounting holes. To hold the movement
safely in place while mounting it in the box, consider preparing a simple jig to safely hold the movement base upside down
and with the box inverted on top of the movement; the jig should touch the top of the base only near the three mounting
Secure the movement in place, using all three mounting screws; progressively snug the screws in an alternating pattern
(to avoid deforming the movement) to a final torque of around 8.7 lb.-in. The musical performance and sound quality will
suffer even if only one mounting screw is not fastened properly, or loosens due to shock or impact.
With the movement mounted, adjust the distance between the stopper lever and the sliding release assembly operating
SEPARATE L-SHAPED OPERATING LEVER. Gently bend the operating lever with a pair of pliers to suit the curvature of
the stopper lever, and so that the front tip of the stopper lever will not lift and contact the top of the spring housing when
the operating lever is moved during continuous play.
If the box design incorporates glass in the top or side panels, take appropriate precautions to prevent any vibration of the
glass due to the operation of the movement; this can lead to a humming or rattling noise.
Transport and storage considerations
Store the movement in a cool, dry place and leave the movement in the original packaging until it is installed. Before
transporting or storing the movement or a completed box, it is important to prepare the movement properly. Serious
damage can occur if an impact is sustained while the movement is playing. To prevent the stopper lever from becoming
unlocked in transit or storage, engage the Geneva stopper and check the position of the stopper hole, winding the key so
that the Geneva stopper is engaged just shortly before the stopper lever enters the stopper hole to stop play. Then wind
the key one gear tooth at a time until the Geneva stopper locks into the stopper hole. When placing the movement or box
in a carton for shipment, be sure not to position it with the bottom surface of the movement facing upward; this can lead to
deformation of the friction governor mechanism, causing the play timing to change or stop.
72-Note Musical Movements
Rev. 10/14
© Rockler Companies Inc. 2014