Division of BETA UTENSILI SPA, Via Volta, 18 - 20845 SOVICO (MB) ITALY Tel. +39.(0)39.20771-Fax + 39.(0)39.2010742
Using the accessory for any purposes other than the purposes it has been designed for, using it under
extremely dangerous conditions and performing poor maintenance may pose
a severe hazard to the
safety of the people being exposed
and cause severe damage to the working environment, while
affecting the actual serviceability and safety of the product. The precautions mentioned below, which,
obviously enough, cannot cover the whole spectrum of potential
of the accessory, should be
“reasonably” deemed to be the most common steps to take. Therefore:
DO NOT use the accessory for safety slings;
DO NOT connect the accessory to any apparatus which does not match its specifications in
terms of size, temperature, hook-up point and shape;
DO NOT stretch any apparatus that may change its static configuration, centre of gravity or
chemical and physical state;
DO NOT use the accessory to carry people or animals.