Exchanging Communication Data
When data is transmitted from the USB port in PC to peripheral devices(Tx), all connected device will receive an identical data.
On the other hand, when data is received from one of the peripheral devices(Rx), it will be automatically converted as USB communication and sent to the
PC. During this process, received data will not be transmitted to other peripheral devices. If data from more than two peripheral devices are received, the
received data can be corrupted.
Therefore, when connecting 3Pin TTL Level DYNAMIXEL and 4Pin RS-485 DYNAMIXEL at the same time, all connected DYNAMIXEL should have its
unique ID in order to prevent receiving corrupt data. In addition, when using Bulk Read and Sync Read instructions that requires to receive data from
multiple DYNAMIXELs, relevant DYNAMIXELs should be connected to the same communication channel or else the instruction will not work properly.