safeTy precauTions
Equipped with high performance running battery and motor, R/C car
models are capable of speeds of over 50km/h. Follow the instruc-
tions outlined below to fully enjoy operating your R/C car.
cauTions To oBserVe wHen operaTinG r/c models
operaTe r/c models in appropriaTe areas only.
1. Never run R/C models on the road.
2. Never run R/C models in a crowded area or near small children.
3. Do not run R/C models in a narrow space or indoors.
Running R/C models in improper areas may result in an accident
causing serious injury or property damage.
follow THe proper r/c model operaTinG
always follow the correct r/c model turning on/shut-
ting down procedures outlined below, or your model
may run out of control resulting in a serious accident.
1. Place your model on a box or a stand so that its wheels do not
contact the ground.
2. Connect battery.
3. Switch on transmitter.
4. Switch on receiver.
opposite sequence for shutting down r/c model.
1. Switch o receiver.
2. Switch o transmitter.
3. Disconnect battery.
neVer ToucH any roTaTinG parTs sucH as
wHeels, sHafTs or Gears, as your finGer, Hair,
cloTHes, eTc. THey may GeT cauGHT leadinG To
serious injury.
Be careful of inTerference from anoTHer
radio. use a TransmiTTer desiGned for
Ground use wiTH r/c cars.
BaTTery, moTor and HeaT sinK can Become
eXTremely HoT afTer use. allow parTs To cool
Before remoVinG.
Hindered roTaTinG parTs can oVerHeaT moTor.
Before operating R/C cars, check the chassis for any small stones, glass
or string hindering gear, drive shaft or wheel movement. Hindered
movement can result in heat build up in the motor, damaging motor.
a damaged motor will shorten running time and
decrease top speed. replace with new one.
Be careful of inTerference from anoTHer
radio. use a TransmiTTer desiGned for
Ground use wiTH r/c cars.
Make sure that no one else is using the same frequency as
yours in your operating area.
Using the the same frequency at the same time, whether it is
driving, ying or sailing, can cause loss of control of the
R/C model, resulting in a serious accident.
TaKe maXimum care in wirinG, connecTion
and insulaTinG caBles.
Make sure cables are always connected securely. Check connectors as
they may become loose. And if so, reconnect them securely.
Never use R/C models with damaged wires. A damaged wire is
extremely dangerous, and can cause short-circuits resulting in
resulting in fire. Please have wires repaired at your local hobby shop.