the screen.
Display Orientation
- The menu allows to change display orientation.
- Standard display orientation if the fixture is placed horizontally (e.g. on the ground).
- Inverted orientation (needed if the fixture is hanging on the truss).
- The option activates a gravitation sensor for automatic screen orientation.
option is set as default. You change the display orientation by touching the icon
on the display,
an the option set in the "Display Orientation" menu is temporarily overriden.
Temperature unit
- Use the menu item to change temperature unit from °C to °F.
Fan Mode
- Use the menu to set the fixture fans to max. power mode ("
") or to auto-control mode
Dimmer Curve
- You can select desired dimmer curve: Linear or Square Law.
Date & Time Settings
- Use this menu to set current date and time for the fixture log system (menu "View
Logs"). Set this menu item before first fixture operation.
Extra Colour functions
- If this function is on, all functions on the Colour functions channel can be controlled
by DMX command. If this function is off, no function on the Colour functions channel can be changed by DMX
command except Tungsten effect simulations.
Default Settings
- The menu item allows to set all fixture parameters in this menu to the default (factory) values
except items "DMX Input".
Password Protection
- allows to enter password in order to prevent unauthorized person from changing setting
of the fixture.
7.4 Tab "Manual Control"
Reset Functions
- The menu allows to reset the fixture either per function modules or all modules together.
Total System Reset
- The item resets all function modules.
Pan/Tilt Reset
- The item resets a pan and tilt movement.
Optics Reset
- The item resets a zoom, frost and edge colour correction module.
Beam Shaper Reset
- The item resets a barndoor/scrim module.
Manual Effect control
Use the menu to control all fixture channels by means of the control panel.
7.5 Tab "Stand-alone"
Test Sequences
Use the menu to run a test/demo sequences without an external controller, which will show
you some possibilities of using Robin DL7F.
Dynamic Mode
- This mode uses all Robin DL7F functions including pan/tilt movement and therefore
is good for a complete introduction of the fixture.
Static Mode
- This mode is suitable for projections on the wall, ceiling or ground without any pan/tilt movement.
Adjust the pan, tilt, zoom and focus to desired positions an start test sequences by touching the green
Music Trigger
- Use the item to activate the sound control of the running program via the built-in microphone.
Preset Playback
- This menu allows you to select the program which will be played in a loop after switching
the fixture on (the option is commonly used in a stand-alone operation without an external controller).
- The option disables “Presetting playback” function.
- The option starts the test sequences.
Prog. 1
- The option starts user program No. 1.
Prog. 2
- The option starts user program No. 2.
Prog. 3
- The option starts user program No. 3.