HOWTO: Waste Water Dumping
© 2016 by Erwin Hymer Group North America, Inc.
Extending the hose
Open the dump hose valve
• There are two ways to secure the hose in the dump station waste receptacle four inch pipe. In the white box that came
with your Roadtrek there is a rubber doughnut, which goes over the discharge nozzle and can be wedged into the waste
receptacle to hold the waste water discharge hose in place. Some RV parks require you to use a doughnut. If you trust
gravity more than friction, or don't want to store the doughnut between uses, use a rock to weight the hose down. Either
way, make sure the hose doesn't get loose when you turn the pump on.
The discharge stream is forceful and will knock the hose out of the drain if you do not weight it down or secure it in
the drain with the doughnut. It is much easier and more sanitary to secure it before turning the pump on than it is to
chase it around afterwards.