t h e v o l v o p e n t a i p s
a d v a n t a g e
The revolutionary Volvo Penta Inboard Performance
System (IPS) offers a range of exciting advantages
for the Riviera 3600 Sport Yacht. Better
performance, fuel efficiency – up to 30 percent
better – and quiet running. But perhaps the most
exciting for skippers is the incredible slow-speed
control offered by the joystick.
Joystick control with the Volvo Penta IPS drive
system provides you with the ultimate control of
your boat when docking or in tight manoeuvres.
As you approach a marina, jetty or mooring, simply
centre the wheel, move the engine lever controls
into neutral, then press the left-hand button below
the IPS joystick. Now you’re in joystick control.
Neither wheel nor lever control will respond while
you are in joystick mode.
The engines are limited to 1,000rpm in this mode
to ensure you can’t accidentally find yourself going
too fast.
Then simply – gently – push the joystick in
the direction you want the boat to go. Any
direction – a full 360 degrees. The Volvo Penta IPS
computer system automatically works out the best
configuration of drive units throttles and position
to move the boat in that direction.
If you want to spin the boat around or simply
correct the bow or stern position as you close on
a dock, let the joystick return to vertical and twist
the knob on top of the joystick the way you want
the boat to turn - a small correction or a full 360
degree spin in either direction.
Engine revs are controlled by how far you push the
joystick or twist the knob. If you need to move very
slowly, just ease the joystick in the direction you
want to go. If you need some additional revs to
counter wind or tide, push the joystick a bit further
in that direction and you increase engine revs.
If you find yourself in particularly difficult
conditions, with strong wind, current or tide, and
you need additional engine power, push the second
button on the right side of the control unit. That
increases available revs to 1,600rpm.
The Volvo Penta IPS joystick system takes all the
pressure off berthing your boat – whatever the
strength of the wind or tide.
360 degree control
sideways control
forward sideways control
13. Engine bay access is via a day-hatch for routine inspection or the
entire cockpit floor raises on an electric strut to allow access right around
the engines and other onboard systems