For assistance, call RITRON at 800-872-1872, or go to
The Quick Assist
can be programmed to play two unique voice
messages, an “Assistance needed” message that is transmitted when
the front panel push button is pressed, and a “Quick Assist call cleared”
message that is transmitted if the Quick Assist
has been reset.
Voice messages can be recorded into the Quick Assist
using the
RQA/RQT PC Programmer and the electret condenser microphone built
onto the radio PCB assembly. Voice messages can also be recorded
with an incoming audio signal from you computer. This allows you to
record and store a message onto your computer and use it for multiple
Quick Assist
Assist Message
The Assist message is limited to 12 seconds
When the Quick Assist
front panel push button is pressed, the factory-
programmed message “Assistance needed” will be transmitted, and will
be repeated per the programmed schedule. By default, the message is
sent out twice with a 30 second wait time between transmissions.
Reset Message
The Reset message is limited to 12 seconds
If the Quick Assist
has been programmed for Press and Hold Reset,
the user can press and hold the
front panel push button for 5 seconds to
reset the radio to the standby condition, at which time the factory-
programmed message “Quick Assist call cleared” will be transmitted.
Low Battery Message
The Low Battery message is limited to 2 seconds
When it senses the installed batteries are nearly run down, Quick
will transmit the factory-programmed message: “Quick Assist
battery”. If you maintain several Quick Assist
transmitters within radio
range of each other, you may customize this feature to easily determine
which unit needs new batteries.
If you use only one Quick Assist
in any area, or if you regularly change
Quick Assist
batteries, the factory-programmed message may be
sufficient for your application.
Location Message
The Location message is limited to 2 seconds
When installing more than one Quick Assist
on a single frequency it
may be desirable to record a unique Location Message to identify each
individual Quick Assist
. The Location Message will be played after the
TX Alert Tone and before the RQA Message.
Recording Custom Voice Messages
What is the purpose of Recording Custom Voice Messages?
Recording customized Quick Assist
voice messages gives them
unmistakable meaning and significance. The standard factory
prerecorded messages of “Assistance needed” and “Quick Assist call
cleared” require the listener to know exactly where the Quick Assist
located. However, when a user hears a custom message such as
‘Assistance needed in the paint department”, the meaning is clear.
Do I need to record Custom Voice Messages?
If the factory-recorded messages “Assistance
needed” and “Quick Assist call cleared” suit your
application, recording custom messages is not
To record a custom message, follow the instructions
below. Once recorded, playback the message to be
sure you are satisfied with the quality and content of
the message.
To record your Quick Assist
Voice Messages
using the on-board microphone:
1. Read the existing radio programming.
2. Select Input 1 or Power Option for the message
you will be recording.
3. Press the RECORD button for the message to be
recorded. The Record Message dialog box will
4. Select Microphone Record.
5. The following dialog box will appear. Record the
message per the instructions, then press OK to
exit record mode. Message recording will
automatically terminate after the allotted Length
of Message time if the record button has not
been released.
6. The RECORDED checkbox will now indicate that
the message is recorded.
7. After you have recorded a message you can
review it by pressing the associated PLAY button.
The Quick Assist
will transmit the message on
the transmit frequency associated with the input