MiScreen Setup Instructions
Please note the instruction manual contained in the kit may contradict the positioning of
the holes when you are using the pre-tapped frames.
PART A - Installing the MiScreen Program
Connect the USB to the computer and open the device in [MyComputer] and follow instructions
under the [Read Me] file.
PART B – Creating Image
Image files PDF, BMP, JPEG & PNG formats can be used by the utility software. Images will
automatically be converted to black and white before they are sent to the main machine, however
it is suggested you do this in Photoshop [Image: Adjustments: Black&White: Pre-set] before
inserting into the MiScreen software to ensure the image will print to your liking. Images with
colour may lose detail in the conversion.
Resize the image to either A5 or A4 depending on the screen size you will be using. Again, it is best
to do this through Photoshop. For A5 the image size should be Width 210mm, Height 148.5mm.
A4 size is Width 210mm, Height 297mm.
Drag and drop the image file into the open MiScreen software. If the image is A5, drag the image
to the top half and look for the red X to centre the image, do the same for A4.
PART C - Making the Screen
If you need to tape your first screen, ensure the square hole is in the bottom left corner. Then
apply the red double-sided tape to each side ensuring you do not cover any holes on the screen
(N.B. this might happen to the square hole, however you can cut it out later)
Measure and cut your piece of mesh (see part E
for details for selecting the right mesh). Then
remove the red film on the tape on all sides. Ensure the screen making side (the shiny side) of the
mesh is facing down and is attached to the tape.