V1.1 2018-10-9
RHF2S208 User Manual
Figure 4-7 Device information of RHF2S208
4.2.2 LoRaWAN Configuration
With LoRaWAN Configuration you could do:
1) LoRaWAN Configuration (Connect to a LoRaWAN server)
Protocol version: select standard packet forwarder or other protocol to connect to a target server
Gateway ID: fill in the gateway ID. Please check with your operator for the gateway ID rule.
Server Address: fill in the target server address.
Port: fill in the uplinik port and downlink port.
Global Config: please select the right global config which your gateway support. Different Part Number
support different band. You could find the detailed information that the band your gatway could support
in datasheet “[DS01828]RHF2S208 Product Specification”.