(A) Blade
depth ad-
(B) Blade depth
lock nut
Fig 2
Fig 1. Align “Red” dots for Ring Cut.
The Tool has indexing positions for Ring, Spiral
and longitudinal( in both directions along the ca-
ble). Simply twist the handle relative to the “Yoke”
to engage.
Align “Red dots”
for Ring Cut.
Fig 1
Cable Clamp/Hook
(C). Cable Clamp/Hook lock-
ing wheel
Fig 3
Fig 3. Shows the “Thumb Slider" Gate positions.
1, 3 and 5 are “Stop” positions.
Thumb Slider movement between 2 & 1 for Smaller Diameter Cable
and/or Softer Insulations/Jackets.
Thumb Slider movement between 4 & 3 for Larger Diameter Cable
and/or Harder Insulations/Jackets.
Adjustment of the Cable Clamp/Hook has to be taken into
concideration for penertration of the Blade and the available spring
Note :- Make sure after ajustment of the blade depth/cable clamp/
hook that the thumb slider still has movement and is not restricted at
possition 1 or 3 otherwise full adjusted cuting depth may not be
achieved. Place thumb slider in stop position 3 or 5 depending on the
spring pressure you have chosen.
MK01DA Rotary Cable Stripper Operation Sheet
# 39922
1.Align the “Red" dots for ring cut
2.Open the Cable Clamp/Hook to
accept the Cable.
Fig 2. Undo cable clamp/hook locking wheel “C”
and slide clamp/hook open.
3.Adjust the Blade Cutting depth.
Fig 2.Keeping the blade at a tangent to the OD of
the cable. Adjust the blade depth by releasing lock
nut “B” and rotating adjuster “A” until the desired
depth of cut is achieved. Re-tighten nut “B”
4.Adjust the Cable Clamp/Hook in
Conjunction with the Thumb Slider
position to the cable diameter and
Insulation/Jacket material being
Fig 4
5.Strip the Cable. (Ring)
Fig 4. Place the tool on the cable at the desired strip
length. Release the thumb slider from the stop position so
the blade penetrates the insulation. Revolve the tool
around the cable circumference (in the direction shown)
whether working right to left or left to right along the ca-
ble. Several revolutions may be required to achieve full
depth of cut.
Retract the blade from the insulation/jacket
using the thumb slider. Keeping the “Yoke" position fixed
(Fig 5)twist the handle one “Click" to the right for left to
right travel along the cable or one “Click to the left for
right to left travel. Re align the angled blade to the Ring
cut and release the thumb slider. Rotate tool as Fig 4