Rinnai Tankless Water Heater Installation and Operation Manual
Product Description
Part #: 103000038
Filters and reduces the amount of scale
entering the water heater allowing for
greater water heater longevity.
ScaleCutter Refill
Part #: 103000039
Refill cartridge for the ScaleCutter filter
Drain Down Kit
Part #: 104000059
Provides freeze protection by
immediately draining the water heater
upon loss of power.
Additional Controller
Part #: MC-601-BK
Additional controllers are available for user
Recess Box
Part #: RGB-CTWH-5
Allows an outdoor water
heater to be recessed into a wall.
Pipe Cover
Part #: PCD09-SHS
Encloses the piping below the water heat
er for aesthetic purposes.
control•r™ Wi-Fi
Module (And
Part #: RWM101
Controls On-Demand recirculation,
remotely adjust temperatures, and com
municates with the Pro Portal. The con
trol•r™ Wi-Fi Module and MC-195T-US
controller are not compatible accessories
and must not be installed together.
External Pump Cable
Part #: 105000250
Provides electrical connections for
external recirculation pump control.
EZConnect™ Cable
Part #: REU-EZC-2
Electronically connects two water
heaters and allows them to function as
one hot water source.
3.5 Accessories
Numerous optional accessories are available for purchase for your Rinnai Tankless Water Heater. Listed
below are some commonly purchased accessories. For a complete list of accessories, visit www.rinnai.us.
For questions, or to purchase an accessory, contact your local Rinnai dealer/distributor or Rinnai
Customer Care at 1-800-621-9419.
Table 4: Accessories