Operation & Installation Manual
Universal Water Controller MC-601Q
This guide is for the operation and installation of the Rinnai universal water controller
model MC-601Q.
These instructions
be used and installed in conjunction with the Rinnai Continuous
Flow Water Heaters, Operation & Installation Manual supplied with compatible Rinnai
Continuous Flow Water Heaters.
If the MC-601Q is not listed as being compatible in the Operation & Installation Manual
supplied with your Rinnai Continuous Flow Water Heater, then contact Rinnai for advice.
Refer to page 3 of this manual to confirm the maximum number and combination of
controllers that can be fitted to a compatible Rinnai Continuous Flow Water Heater model.
This water controller is compatible with the following other Rinnai water controller models:
MC-91Q, MC-100V, BC100V & MC-503RC.
This water controller to be installed in accordance with:
Local Regulations and Municipal Building Codes including local Occupational Health &
Safety requirements.
This appliance must be installed, maintained and removed by an Authorised Person.
For continued safety of this appliance it must be installed and maintained in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Temperature Control
Water controllers allow precise temperature control by the user. When used correctly, the hot water unit will deliver
the selected temperature, even when the water flow is varied, or more than one tap is in use.
Only one MC model water controller can be designated as a ‘Master’ water controller and this is normally used
in the kitchen. All the remaining water controllers are designated as ‘Sub’ water controllers and are for use in
bathrooms, toilets and laundries. The maximum temperature limit for all ‘Sub’ water controllers is restricted to
50°C* to minimise the risk of burns in these areas.
Each water controller can be individually programmed, however the water heater can only deliver one set
temperature at any time. The available temperatures (°C) are as follows:
Water Controller
Temperatures (°C)
Master (MC)
37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 55*, 60*, 65*, 70*, 75*
Sub (MC or BC) 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50
For hygiene in sanitary areas such as bathrooms, the suggested temperature should be 37°C ~ 43°C.
The above is a suggestion only, as you may find higher or lower temperatures more comfortable, however
maintaining lower temperatures also helps to save energy.
To obtain water temperatures lower than 37°C, simply open the cold water tap and add cold water until the desired
lower temperature is reached.
Temperature may not be available on all installations. Some Rinnai Continuous Flow water
heaters can be programmed to deliver higher temperatures from the master water controller.
Rinnai Continuous Flow water heaters may be programmed to restrict / deliver maximum
temperatures of 40, 42, 50, 55, 60, & 65°C. Contact Rinnai for more details.