Mains pressure indoor stainless steel cylinders: Owner and installer guide: 20132-D 04-15
Cylinders should be installed in accordance with G12/AS1. For servicing and
maintenance, please allow sufficient room for access to covers and valves.
Plumbing setup
Plumbing setup for a mains pressure stainless steel cylinder
Base requirements
Tanks should be installed on a flat level base of sufficient strength to support the weight of the
water heater when full.
The water heater must also be suitably restrained against seismic activity, ‘G12/AS1 Figure 14’
details an acceptable method of restraint.
Drip tray/catch pan - MUST be fitted
The Rinnai warranty does not cover any consequential loss from leaks to the cylinder, so it’s
important a suitably drained drip tray/catch pan is fitted.
Drip tray
The appliance is not intended to be connected by a hose-set