Attack: How quickly the sound is produced after playing the note. Higher Attack
value numbers indicated in the LCD, cause the note to build up to full volume,
more slowly. (Like an Accordion) Lower Attack value numbers in the LCD screen,
produces faster key response. (Like a bell or gong or piano or jazz organ). The
sound is immediate.
Decay: Sets how quickly the sound produced dies away whilst holding the note
down. Guitars, bells, and other plink type sounds have a quick decay. Whereas a
slow decay or even zero decay would be an organ-like effect. If the key is held
down the sound will be produced for the entire time that the key is held down.
Release: The release time is how long the sound continues after the note is let go.
(Hint a Trumpet has a short release time, meaning the sound produced stops
immediately, but a gong has a very long release. After the strike of the gong, the
sound carries on for many seconds before fading away.
ate: Sets the speed of the vibrato effect. The higher values produce faster vibrato
speeds. Range: 00~127. The default value is the middle value of 64 without any
epth: Sets the intensity of the vibrato effect. The higher values produce strong
vibrato effects. Range: 00~127. The default value is the middle value of 64 without
any effect.
Vibdelay: set the delay time of the vibrato effect and higher value produces longer
delay time. Range: 00~127. The default value is the middle value of 64 without
any effect.