Installation and Operation Instruction
For Housing Freewheels FHD 1000 to FHD 18000
E 08.794e
Issue: 21.12.2021
Version : 03
drawn: KISR
checked: HEUT pages: 14
page: 8
8. Installation
8.1 Installation for Housing Freewheels Series FHD
The direction of Housing Freewheel rotation must be determined prior to installation!
On the input side of the housing are an arrow for the driving direction and a sign for “input” at-
tached. The installation shall be such that the engine is connected to the input shaft.
Housing Freewheels FHD are foot mounting type. The housing should be fastened to the base
frame with 4 suitable screws or bolts and nuts. To level the housing, 4 leveling screws are placed
in the housing feet. To compensate the differences between the housing feet and the ground
sheet metal can be used.
We recommend torsionally stiff gear couplings with teeth on both sides to connect the shafts to
the driver and driven machine. Tighten the clutch hubs of the shaft couplings with bolts on the
shaft, which are screwed into the central threaded holes in the ends of shafts.
The clutch hubs may not be driven onto the shaft by applying hammer blows, as the
in the freewheel built-in roller bearings may be damaged in the process. Do not heat
up the coupling hubs over 100°C for mounting because the lip seal can be dam-
The shaft couplings must be accurately aligned, that there is no undue bearing
loads arise.
Bearing damage can result in overheating and the impairment of Housing
Freewheel function!
des Freilaufs führen!
Check that the disconnect clutch is in operating position (see secton 12) and remove the keys
from the safty lock. These should be kept safe by authorized persons.
Filling the Housing Freewheel with specified oil quantity and quality as shown in section 11!