Warm-up Stretches
It is important that each exercise session begin with at least 5 to 7 minutes of gentle
stretching of the muscles of your lower body followed by at least 1 minute of relaxed
Listed below are several stretching exercises. Hold each stretch for approximately 20
seconds, relax, then repeat each stretch several times.
Stand with your knees bent slightly and slowly bend forward from your hips. Place
your hands on your knees and reach down toward your toes, as far as possible, until
you feel the stretch in the back of your thighs.
Sit with one leg extended. Bring the sole of the opposite foot towards you and rest it
against the inner thigh of your extended leg. Reach toward your toes as far as
Using a wall or other large object to steady you, grasp one foot and pull it as close to
your buttocks and as high as you can. Repeat with the other foot.
Face the wall and place both hands on it. Support yourself with one leg while the
other is placed behind you with the sole flat on the floor. Bend the forward leg and
lean towards the wall keeping the rear leg straight so that the calf and Achilles tendon
are stretched. Repeat for the other leg.
Sit on the floor and draw your legs up toward your groin, the soles of your feet
together, and while holding your back straight, lean forward over your feet. Now you
should be ready to start your workout. Position yourself on the bench and exercise
slowly for about 1 minute before increasing the pace and/or resistance to reach your
target pulse rate.
When you finish your workout, be sure to cool down by exercising for 1 to 2 minutes
at a slow pace and perhaps, after dismounting, do some stretching. You will fell better
and more relaxed during and after training if you make warming up, and cooling
down an integral part of your exercise program.