User’s Guide for RP7000 Series Active Probe
Probe Head
RP7000 supports hand-held probe head and solder-in probe head.
Hand-held Probe Head
Hand-held probe head includes two types: hand-held differential probe
head and hand-held single-ended probe head.
Like using common passive probes, you can use this kind of probe head to
easily measure signals. Besides, the spacing between the probe tips can be
easily adjusted to fulfill your various measurement requirements.
For hand-held differential probe head, the spacing between the probe tips is
controlled by the roller on the probe head. As shown in Figure 3, turning the
roller forwards or backwards can precisely adjust the spacing between the two
probe tips.
Figure 3 Hand-held Differential Probe Head
For hand-held single-ended probe head, rotating the single-ended ground collar
adjusts the spacing between the single-ended ground collar and probe tip, as
shown in Figure 4.
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