Laser Scanners
RF627, RF627Smart [Revision 2.1.2] 20.09.2021
Images and profiles with the "Difference" mode enabled.
This mode provides almost complete suppression of a stationary or not rapidly
changing background relative to the frame rate (glare, reflections, superimposition of light
spots on the scanned surface, etc.). In this mode, the profile rate (PPS) will be Ѕ of the
frame rate.
18.4. ROI settings
ROI (region of interest)
parameters control the size and position of the CMOS
sensor active area. By default, the active area covers the entire area of the sensor.
Decreasing the active area size allows to increase the scanner speed due to decreasing of
the image reading time. Resizing is possible in Z direction only and is performed in the
coordinate system of the CMOS sensor.
Dependence of the operating frequency of the scanner on the size of the region of
interest (typical values):