A portion of the picture in front of and behind your subject will also be sharp. If you wish to know how much of
an area will be sharp in your final picture, this can be predetermined in two ways.
Depth of Field Pre-viewer
Pressing Preview Lever (H) will set the lens at the corresponding opening you previously set on F-stop Ring (1)
(Fig. 15 ) This will enable you to preview the area of sharpness in the picture before you take it. The viewfinder
will become dark corresponding to F-stop you previously set on F-stop Ring (1). The Preview Lever (H) will
automatically return to its original position when you leave your finger off the lever and the viewfinder will
become bright.
Depth of Field Scale
After you have set the lens opening and have focused the camera, area of sharpness in front of and behind your
subject can also be determined on the Depth of Field Scale (J).
Locate on Depth of Field Scale (J) the two numbers corresponding to the f-stop you have set on F-stop Ring (I).
The distance between these two f numbers of Distance Scale (K) will be the area of sharpness in your picture.
For example, if F-stop Ring (I) is set at 8 (f8), about 3.5 - 10 m (11.5 - 33 ft.) will be in focus.
When Focusing Ring (L) is set at 5 m (16.5 ft.) (Fig. 16).
Your camera is equipped with a 50 mm Practica type thread mount lens, the focal length of which is proper for
general-purpose picture taking. You may select additional Practica type thread mount lenses from wide range of
Rikenon lenses which include extremely wide lenses through long focal length telephoto and zoom lenses.
Rikenon lenses are made of selected high quality materials under severe quality control to give high
performance and full satisfaction. To remove the lens, continuously turn the lens in a counterclockwise
direction until it can be removed (Fig. 17). To insert another lens, turn the lens in a clockwise direction until the
lens is secured in position.
· Never change the lens with Preview Lever (H) pressed.