Warranty Details
Your Rhyno Caravan Mover has been designed
and built to give the user the very best in
performance and reliability.
Mechanical reliance with good service is based on
good care, correct usage and correct installation
as detailed in the installation instruction; it is
designed to give many years of reliable service.
This is a limited warranty; the parts covered are
detailed below:
The motors are covered for a period of five years
from date of purchase. The motors are covered
against poor workmanship and non-conforming
components. The motors are not covered for
loss or immersion in fluids or liquids of any type,
water or flood damage, road accident damage,
poor installation or faulty workmanship arising
from a poor installation (for self-installation only),
or fair wear and tear. The motors must be cared
for as per the aftercare and cleaning directions
contained in this leaflet.
The electrics are covered for a period of five
years from date of purchase. The electronics
are covered against poor workmanship and non-
conforming components. The electronics and
handset are not covered for loss or immersion
in fluids or liquids of any type, water or flood
damage, road accident damage, poor installation
or faulty workmanship arising from a poor
installation (for self-installation only). Interference
with the electronic controls in any way, by anyone
other than an appointed Rhyno service engineer
(unless otherwise advised in writing) will invalidate
this warranty. The electronics and handset must
be cared for as per the aftercare and cleaning
directions contained in this leaflet.
The mechanical components of the mover
are covered for faulty materials and poor
workmanship. The exclusions are corrosion
caused by road salts or chemicals, accidental
damage, fair wear and tear, poor installations (for
self-installation only) and loss.
The roller system is not covered by the warranty
as these are considered to be wearing parts to be
replaced as necessary. These are available from
our online shop.
Batteries are not supplied with the mover; these
are your responsibility at all times.
This warranty is not automatically transferable; a
small charge will be made to transfer.
In all cases and without exception this warranty
will be deemed void if the electronic components
or motors are interfered with or modifications
made to the mover in any way.
In the event of an issue please refer to the trouble
shooting guide enclosed, or on our website.
If you are still having problems call us on 02476
387080 with your invoice to hand and we will
endeavour to help and address the issue as
quickly as possible. We reserve the right to send
an engineer to investigate and report as to the
In most cases, should replacement parts be
required, they will be sent to the engineer who
will liaise with the owner to arrange a date for
the parts to be fitted. In the event that the mover
was a self-fit package the parts will be sent direct
to the owner for fitting. In some instances your
mover may have to be returned to our works for
work to be carried out. You may be asked to
replace small components with our reference to
an engineer; you will be given full instructions if
In all cases, we are committed to handling
your claim in an efficient and friendly manner.
We assure you of our very best attention and
assistance at all times.
We will respond in a reasonable and fair
application of the contents of this warranty in the
quickest time scale available to the company.
02476 387080