Distinctness of Image (DOI)
Distinctness of image is, as the name implies a function of the sharpness of a
reflected image in a coating surface.
Two surfaces finished with similar coatings may exhibit identical gloss values but
visually the quality of one coating can be seen to be very poor. Upon closer
inspection the visually substandard poor coating has a highly textured dimpled
appearance known as “orange peel”. When a reflected object is viewed in such a
coating the image becomes fuzzy and distorted.
The automotive industry was the main driver to increased quality gloss coatings. Orange peel drastically reduces the
perceived quality of automotive finishes.
Orange peel, waviness, texturing, pin holing and similar effects can be problematic
in many high gloss coating applications including automotive, powder coating and
any other industries that requires a smooth homogenous finish. All these effects
can be measured with the Novo-Gloss IQ.
DOI has been measured instrumentally and subjectively in the automotive industry
for many years. Instruments that measured this value in the past were bulky
expensive and some had poor repeatability. DOI measurement was not common