The Rhopoint IDTX is powered by a low voltage DC power supply connected to the
’s power input connector.
Switching the Unit On/Off
The Rhopoint IDTX has a built in CPU which takes approximately 30 seconds from
power up to boot into measurement mode.
It is important that the power up and power down procedures are followed.
To power up the instrument press and hold the power button until the target graticule
illuminates (3 seconds), release the button and the instrument will continue in the boot up
sequence- please note the front screen remains OFF until the boot sequence is
complete (25 seconds).
It is not advisable to switch off the power during boot up as the instrument may enter
recovery mode. If this occurs contact Rhopoint Service for instructions on re-initializing
the instrument.
To power down the unit press on the settings icon and then press and hold the power
icon (2seconds) until the instrument begins the power down cycle, indicated by the
screen turning off.
Warming Up the Unit
For highest accuracy measurement it is advised that the instrument light source is left to
achieve stability for 4 minutes prior to initial tare.
Keeping the Instrument Clean
The measurement graticule is hardwearing but can be scratched with sharp objects;
always place samples and spacers with care.
The measurement may be affected by grease residues or dust on the graticule. It is
good practice to wipe the graticule before first use daily or more often if used in a high
contamination environment.
Please use the enclosed optical cloth.
For heavy contamination use any commercially available lens cleaning solution on the
Avoid touching the camera lens- if this becomes contaminated please contact Rhopoint
Service for further advice.