1.1 Safety Rules
Rule 1 Never run your engine indoors; always make sure you are in the open
Non-associated persons should be at least 9 meters (10 yards) away
from the engine when running. Always have a fully operational CO
extinguisher available and ready for use when starting and running your
Rule 2
When bench running or engine starting in an airframe; never allow yourself
or another person to stand behind or in the rear quadrant of the engine.
Always make sure the exhaust of the engine is directed away from persons
and property as the heat of the engine exhaust can cause damage and
Rule 3
Air will save the engine, in the event of a hot or failed start always isolate
the fuel to the engine, but always keep the start air running to the engine,
this will clear the engine of residual fuel and will keep the core of the engine
cool. If you are using the Electric starter, isolate the fuel supply to the
engine and keep the starter running. Do not be afraid to use your fire
extinguisher, a CO
extinguisher will not harm the engine in any way. A
hand held blower is another good safety item to have on hand during the
start up and shut down of the turbine.
Rule 4
Never attempt to start a flooded or wet engine, this will result in a hot or wet
start and you will have flames. To dry out or clear the engine, stand it tail
pipe down and either run the starter motor or blow air through the engine
until all residual fuel has been blown out of it.
Rule 5
Always start and shut down the engine with the nose of the plane pointed
into the wind.
Rule 6
In the event of a hot start, or sever engine fire, close the throttle and the trim
lever to the fully back position and turn off the fuel isolation valve, this will
allow the engine to clear itself, be ready to use your fire extinguisher. A CO
type extinguisher will not harm the engine in any way; if a dry powder
extinguisher is used and the powder is ingested into the engine then you
must return the engine to our service department.