1. The input voltage switch (115/230V, 50/60Hz).
2. The fuse holder with one extra fuse - just in case. Use only 500mA
fuses. The socket can be mounted on the back or on the top of the
Power Supply.
3. Isolated USB outlet can power mobile device or LED lamp included
in the set.
4. AC/DC outlets in 8 fully separated sections, with DIP switches or a
potentiometer for voltage selection.
DC outlets are of 5,5 x 2,1mm barrel type, with center negative po-
larization. The AC outlets are 5,5 x 2,5mm barrel type. Use only one
outlet in each section.
For each section the maximum current draw values are given for
9V. For the maximum current draw at different voltage settings
see the product page on www.yankee.com.pl.
The power of the HS-M10 transformer is 30W.
5. Use it for mounting the Power Supply to the pedalboard with screws.
The hole diameter is 4mm (0.1575 in).
1. Choose the desired input voltage on the input voltage switch and
connect the included power cord into the power socket and a wall
2. Set outputs at desired voltage, by positioning the DIP switch or po-
tentiometer in the desired position, shown on the top of the Power
3. Connect effect pedals to appropriate outputs using appropriate ca-
bles and adapters. Please double check the pedals power input
specification for voltage, current draw, polarization and socket type.
4. Enjoy the perfect sound from your effects without any undesirable