Vetro Wall AI April, 2022
Fountains are frost-resistant up to -4°F (-20°C) but the pump must be removed from the fountain during
freezing temperatures. If fountain must be left outside and temperatures drop below -4°F (-20°C):
1. Remove pump and store indoors.
2. Raise fountain base from ground with wood strips so that base will not freeze to the ground surface.
3. Cover or wrap the fountain with burlap or other absorbent material (e.g., an old blanket or towel),
and then cover securely with plastic, making sure that water will not accumulate and freeze in the
basin or other fountain components.
4. Check fountain periodically to ensure that plastic is secure and water is not accumulating in any of
the fountain components.
1. Pump mounted
4. Hose connected to spout
2. Mounted adapter
5. Connect hose to pump
3. Remove back cover of fountain