User Manual
Reference number: 4111A-RADAR4600-GBD-R1.1
Date: 27 February 2018
Page 80 of 149
Alarm settings for Collision Avoidance - CPA/TCPA
For CPA/TCPA alarms, following parameters are settable:
A circle distance in Nautical Miles, were an alarm will be initiated, when
a tracked target is calculated to enter from outside this distance.
A time in minutes, where an alarm will be initiated before a tracked
target reaches the CPA.
To set CPA/TCPA alarm limits, click right downside the menu button [TGT].
In TGT menu click in headline one of the arrow buttons and select menu
‘Limits, Settings’.
Then set in menu ‘CPA/TCPA’ the needed CPA distance and the needed time to reach CPA distance.
As soon as a potential CPA/TCPA danger is calculated, an alarm sounds and the regarding target starts
blinking and changes to red colour.
Upside right, the red [ALARM] button also blinks. Click that button, to open the alarm menu. There the
target no. with kind of alarm will be shown, also blinking.
Click that menu to stop audio alarm and the blinking. But the alarm indication still is active, the regarding
target too, and stays also red coloured.
CPA and TCPA Alarms are
only initiated by tracked radar targets,
not by other shown radar echo targets.
Below an example of an AIS target which has initiated a CPA Alarm.
CPA is 0.97NM and
TCPA is 34 seconds.