Xiamen RGBlink Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
Ph: +86 0592 5771197 | [email protected] | www.rgblink.com
Only when separate
switching is OFF can
Under the
status, users need to select a bank and use Cut or Take to switch image from PST to PGM.
status, users select a bank, then use Take or Cut to swap this bank and the bank before this one.
Cut, switch from PST to PGM without any effect.
Take, switch from PST to PGM with chosen effect in set Fade Time.
Display Area
Display Area is to let users to choose which display areas to display on the PGM and allow users to set transition
effect for each display area so that they can switch from PST to PGM in desired effect.
Bank Save and Load
Save Bank to Page
Select a bank,click Page,select Page X,the bank is saved in the page.
The page turns green then become green, indicating the bank is saved in the page.
Load bank from Page
Click Load Page, pages with bank saved are green, select one from them and the selected one becomes red. The
bank is loaded from page to PST.