Copyright 2011, RFXCOM
RFXLAN Version 0.5
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2. RFXLAN Ethernet interface.
The function of the Ethernet interface is to facilitate I/O connections to the RF receivers and RF
transmitters. The Ethernet Interface communicates with the system using a TCP/IP connection.
The device controller in the RFXCOM Ethernet interface communicates to the RFXCOM receivers
and transmitter via the internal COM ports.
For the Windows platform a COM port redirector is necessary. All existing Home Automation
software based on Windows that is using COM port communication to the RFXCOM receivers can
also use the RFXCOM Ethernet interface without any change.
The RFXCOM receivers have a W800 compatible receiving mode and all existing W800 Home
Automation software based on Windows can also use the RFXCOM Ethernet interface without any
All software supporting TCP/IP connections can also use the RFXCOM Ethernet Interface.
RFXLAN Ethernet Interface:
Internal COM port for 2 receivers (Slave)
Internal COM port for 1 transmitter
IP port with 8 I/O lines
Configuration using a web browser,
USB interface for firmware upgrades,
LAN interface 10/100Mb.
The RFXCOM Ethernet Interface uses the Internet Protocol (IP) for network communications. It
uses the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) to assure that no data is lost or duplicated, and that
everything sent to the connection arrives correctly at the target.
TCP is used for the serial ports and the I/O lines.
IP is used for addressing, routing, and data block handling over the network.
HTTP is used for the build-in web server to configure the Ethernet device controller.
SNMP V2 is used for network monitoring.