3125 North 126
Street, Brookfield, WI 53005
Technical Support:
800.669.9946, option 5 ([email protected])
Customer Care:
800.669.9946, option 2 ([email protected])
©2019 RF Technologies, Inc. All specifications subject to change without notice.
0510-1020 Rev P 01-20
How do I verify the transmitters match?
1. Bring the Infant Transmitter within 3 to 6 inches from the Mother transmitter
2. Tap the Mother transmitter once and wait
3. Once the transmitters match, the Mother transmitter LED will flash
indicate a match.
4. If the transmitters do not match, the Mother transmitter LED will flash
times then
three times, followed by three beeps. Follow your facility’s
established procedures for mismatches.
5. Repeat the process for multiple infants.
How do I discharge the transmitter?
When it is time for a patient to leave your facility, he/she must be
discharged from the software (refer to the applicable Series Software User
1. Check the software to confirm that the transmitter is communicating
with the system.
2. Tend to and clear any alarms displayed on the screen for the
3. Perform a Mother/Infant transmitter match
4. Request a discharge function for the Infant transmitter in the software
and complete the action within the allotted time specified by your
5. Open the clamps on both the Infant and Mother transmitters to
remove the banding and discard the used banding material.
6. Discharge events should post for both the Mother and the Infant
7. Clear the Mother transmitter by holding the Clearing Device 3 to 6
inches from the transmitter and tapping the transmitter. The
confirmation will be confirmed by three
and 1
flashes on the transmitter.
8. Finally, disinfect the transmitters so they are ready to be used again.
How do I unlock the transmitter?
1. Insert the Key into the hole on the top-side of the transmitter.
2. Turn the key ¼ turn in any direction.
3. Stop and pull with the key until the locking side of the clamp opens.
4. Remove the key.
5. Pull back the non-locking side of the clamp.
Do not
slip the
banding material off the
patient’s extremity; doing
so may result in an alarm.
Do not
leave the banding
material in the
transmitter clamps after
discharge; doing so may
result in the transmitter