CloudSDR Interface Specs
Please contact
for the latest version of the CloudSDR Interface Specification
RFSPACE supplies a simple, open-source application for the CloudSDR radio. This application is written
using the QT framework and will compile for MacOS, Windows and Linux operating systems. This
software is supplied with a free license to be used by RFSPACE customers wishing to create their own
information at : http://sourceforge.net/projects/cutesdr/
RFSPACE supplies a simple, open-source application for the CloudSDR radio operating in the low
bandwidth Cloud mode. This application is written using the QT framework and will compile for
MacOS, Windows and Linux operating systems. This software is supplied with a free license to be used
by RFSPACE customers wishing to create their own applications.
information at : http://sourceforge.net/projects/remotesdrclient/files/
Dec 2020
CloudSDR User’s Guide 12