A Uninstall the GPS cover and Rocket-compatible Mount from the back of the
B Install Rocket GPS antenna, install the pigtail into the groove. Coil remaining
part in the compartment. Needle out only the appropriate part of GPS pigtail
with connector.
C Install GPS cover and Rocket-compatible Mount back to their positions.
Follow Up the rest of Installation Procedure as described in section 3.
To remove RockeTik or Rocket from the mount, use tool to release the mount´s lock.
Any firm object that fits the gap could be used: screwdriver, wrench, knife etc.
3 When using UBNT Rocket or RF elements RockeTik:
A Snap the Rocket/RockeTik on the Rocket-compatible Mount on the back
of the Antenna
B Use Pigtails to interconnect Rocket/RockeTik and Antenna Ports
C Snap the Protection Cap to the Position
Instruction Manual
MiMo Sector Antennas
4 When using UBNT Rocket GPS:
5 How to remove device from the Antenna