Please note that you only need to change your password if you intend to
share your tracker's phone number with other users and do not wish to give
them access to its settings.
Example : password123456 99999
password OK
3. Authorization process
3.1 You will need to add your phone number as the authorized number if you
wish to receive any alerts or scheduled reports. If you only wish to use this
device for tracking via SMS or GPRS, you can skip the authorization
process. Authorization can be done in two different ways:
3.2 A-) Dial the tracker's number 10 times from your mobile phone and it will
register your mobile phone number as the authorized number automatically.
Each time you call your tracker, it will ring 3-4 times, hang-up and reply
with a location report SMS.
3.3 B-) Send SMS “admin+pspace+cell phone number” to set up an
authorized number. All the other authorized numbers must be set by the first
authorized number.
Example : admin123456 07776665544
admin OK!
3.4 To delete authorization: Send SMS “pspace+authorized
number” to delete the authorized number.
Example : noadmin123456 07776665544
noadmin OK!