Revox A5O Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 13

Summary of Contents for A5O

Page 1: ...Bedienungsanleitung Mode d emploi Operating instructions ...

Page 2: ...onnecting instruments to line set for respective line voltage if necessary Arnpli ier 450 see page 2 No 31 Fl l Tuner A76 see page 24 No 53 Voltage selectors are set for 22O V at the factory A fitting coin can be used for resetting For voltages not shown on the voltage selector use nearest value e g 117 V line set to 1i0 V Factory installed line fuses are for 220 250 V Fuses for 110 150 V must be ...

Page 3: ...Verstärker BEVOX A5O Amplifier REVOX A5O Amplificateur REVOXA5O 18 17 16 Kana r cr nn r r Canal t cH I cH Kan r I Chann 1 2 C na t 11 10 38 37 Fig 1 2 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 ...

Page 4: ...N LOW Loudness low frequency correction SPKRS OFF Speakers oft 17 Key to cut off speakers TAPE MON Tape monitor 18 Tape monitor key lnput Level Controls CH 1 and CH 2 19 Phono 20 Tape 21 Tuner 22 Aux Auxiliary Amplificateur REVOXA5O ElEruerurs DE CoMMANDE POWER 1 Lampe tdmoin 2 lnterrupteur de rdseau TREBLE 3 Röglage des aiguös canal gauche canal 1 4 Rdglage des aiguös canal droit canal 2 BASS 5 R...

Page 5: ...20 24O 25OV INPUT Eingänge INPUT INPUT Entr6es TAPE Tonband TAPE TAPE Bande magndtique 32 AnschlussfürTonbandwiedergabe l00mV 100kO 32 Connection for tape reproduction 1 O0 mV 1 OO kO 32 Entr6e pour magndtophone lecture 100mV 100kO TUNER TUNER TUNER 33 Anschluss für ANil FN4 und FIM Tuner 100mV 100kQ 33 ConnectionforAM FM and FlVl Tuner 100mV 100kO 33 Entrde pourtuner Fl 4 ou Al 4 Fl 4 100mV 100kO...

Page 6: ...ieler piezoelektrisch Phonosrsph piezoelecrric Tourne disques pi6206leclrique Rundfunkgerät Radio set R6cepteur rsd io lvikrophon Mono Microphone lvlono Microphone mono AnpassungsübsrtrEgor Balancs tränsformer Trsnsf ormat6ur adaptateur Tonbandserät 477 Tape rccord r A77 lvlagnätophons A77 2 Tonbandgerät Tap recorder Magn6tophone Platt nspieler magnetisch Phonograph magnetic Tournedisques magn6tiq...

Page 7: ...rleurs Les haut parleurs sont connect6s aux prises 30 Le cäble du haut parleur gauche aboutit ä la prise sup6rieure CH I celui du haut parleur droit ä la prise infdrieure CH ll le masque de codage des prises est en position normale fig 3 Les haut parleurs REVOX sont livr6s avec les cäbles DIN appropri6s Si des haut parleurs sans fiche DIN sont utilisds il faut veiller ä ce que leur polarit6 soit i...

Page 8: ... Fig 4 Peak rating of speaker must correspond to output power of amplifier Speakers with lower rating could be de stroyed by overloads Coding discs are to be turned for hooking up electro static speakers e g Ouad or to drive P A systems with transformers For this the white discs can be pulled out with tweezers How the coding discs are turned 180 and pr rshed in is shown on fig 4 Speaker outputs ol...

Page 9: ...g directly phonographs with magnetic dynamic pick ups RIAA equalization The white Cinch plug left channel of the connecting cable goes into the upper socket the black plug right channel jnto the lower socket 35 Raccordement d un tourne disques Deux entrdes sont prdvues pour tourne disquesl PHONO l lAG NETIC et PHONO CERAI IIC L entr6e PHONO l IAGNETlC 35 permet de brancher di rectement un tourne d...

Page 10: ...X C2C La disposition est la meme pour toutes les connexions le canal gauche CH I se trouve en haut Raccordement d un r6cepteur radio L entrde AUX 36 est pr6vue pour le branchement d un rdcepteur radio ou de tout autre source de modulation 6quivalente Le raccordement s effectue ä l aide d un cäble REVOX NWAN Lorsque l entr6e AUX 36 est utilis6e le commutateur 37 doit se trouver en position inf6rieu...

Page 11: ... for recording over the amplifier with direct after tape monitoring use input TAPE IMO NTTOR 28 lnstructions for connecting tape recorder REVOX 477 serye as example see also fig 2 page 5 TAPE OUTPUT 29 of the amplifier is hooked to the tape recorder input AUX A77 No 27 using cable REVOX C2C The tape recorder OUTPUT A77 No 30 is connec ted to the amplifier input TAPE N 4ONITOR 28 using cable R EVOX...

Page 12: ... la page 16 TAPE IVIONITOR erlafig 2 page 5 Mikrophon anschliessen Der Eingang tu llC 34 ist für den Anschluss eines dynami schen lvlono l 4ikrophones hochohmig bestimmt Das l 4ikrophon kann wahlweise auf Kanal 1 CH I oder Kanal 2 CH ll angeschlossen werden Besitzt das l 4ikrophon einen DIN Stecker so ist ein Kabel REVOX CTF zu verwenden CTF 3 verschiedene Aus führungen Bei Verwendung von niederoh...

Page 13: ...EMPLOI POWER Mise sous tension de l amplificateur Avant de mettre l appareil sous tension mettre le bouton de 169lage VOLUME 12 sut O V6rifier qu aucune des touches l4 ä 18 n est enfoncoe une touche enfonc6e peut 6tre lib6r6e en la pressant une seconde fois L amplificateur est mis sous tension en pressant la touche POWER 2 La lampe tdmoin 1 indique que I appareil est en service SELECTOR lnput Swit...

Page 14: ...r mode switch 13 remains on STEREO since the lvlono Stereo switching is accom plished automatically in most tuners REVOX FIV Tuner A76 key STEREO AUTOIVIATIC 47 depressed Reproduction with stereo pick ups from mono records can also be achieved in the STEREO position preferably howe ver in the IVIONO position because everpresent rumbling noises of the record player are partly compensated out Only f...

Page 15: ...6 control the right channel see fig 8 For instance if the bass reproduction is to be increased in both channels knob 5 and skirt 6 must be turned clock wise by like amounts dB The tone controls work in 4 dB steps assuring consistent reproducibility of setting At position 0 the tone con trol stages are completely cut out permitting absolutely linear settings Tone controls for left and right channel...

Page 16: ...cies Rumble interference of faulty phonograph drives can effectively be suppressed by lows filters LOUDN ESS LOW See fis 9 Privacy key with auditory equalization independent of volume control 12 Normal volume is lowered by depressing key LOUDN LOW 16 Low and high frequencies are increased simul taneously according to ear response to low volume FILTER HIGH LOW voir fig 9 Filtres aiguös et graves Le...

Page 17: ...par6es permettent un contröle imm6diat de l enre gistrement en cours par la tete de lecture La touche TAPE IVION 18 permet d effectuer ce contröle ä travers l amplifi cateur A50 pendant l enregistrement ll en rdsulte une sdparation de l amplificateur en deux groupes de circuits VOLUI4E 12 I BALANCE 10 TONE 3 bis 6 i LOUDN LOW 16 Preamplifier with as well as filters keys and the Power amplifier wit...

Page 18: ...1 position 10 This applies only to tape recorders whose playback volume control influences the LINE OUTPUT The after tape monitor signal reaches the input socket TAPE 4ON 28 from the tape recorder lf the key TAPE MON 18 is depressed the after tape signal goes on the final stages of the amplifiei Depressing and releasing the key TAPE l rON achieves direct before after tape monitoring As already men...

Page 19: ...e stereo headphones can be plugged Deux casques st6rdophoniques ä haute ou basse imp6dance niederohmige Stereo Kopfhörer angeschlossen werden into the jacks PHONES 8 and 9 peuvent tre raccordös aux jacks PHONES 8 et L TAPE OUTPUT Tonband AusganS TAPE OUTPUT TAPE OUTPUT Sortie pour magn6tophone Die Jack Buchse TAPE OUTPUT 7 ist identisch mit dem Jack TAPE OUTPUT 7 is the same as output TAPE 29 Le j...

Page 20: ...l controls 19 to 23areforaccurate settings of inputs except microphone see fig 12 The independent controls for Channel I and ll allow also simultaneous presetting of the Balance lnput level controls are set at the factory for the nominal sensitivity of the respective input lf interfering volume differences or balance shifting should occur while switching input SELECTOR 11 adjustment of the input l...

Page 21: ...ten BALANCE Control 10 on center as marked No further resetting None of the keys 14 to 18 should be depressed TREBLE control 3 and 4 at 12 dB lvlakes cen tering easier l 4ODE switch 13 on STEREO when using a mono pick upr CH I or CH ll Leveling with the phonograph is then started because the input level control PHONO magnetic has the smallest settinq ranqe Use mono record SE LECTO R switch 11 on P...

Page 22: REVOX A77 No 14 on NAB No 12 on STEREO No 11 on l 4ax Depress key TAPE IVION 18 and set input level con trol 23 as at point 8 Release key 18 to compare with be ore tape volume and balance must remain exactly steadY 13 Set TREBLE control 3 and 4 to 0 Play STEFEO record volume and balance must remain constant while switching input SELECTOR 11 and key TAPE t ro N 18 MAINTENANCE REVOX A5O and A76 E...

Page 23: ... Bande passante Entr6es l 4icro Phono magnetic Tape Tuner Auxiliary Phono ceramic Tape monitor 3mV 2 7 nv 100 mV 90mV 100 mV 90mV 230 mV 180 mV 250 mV 180 mV 3mV 100 ko 47 kQ 1 00 ko 330 ko 800 ko 50 ko Fremdspannungsabstand unbewertet Signal to noise ratio unweighted i Rapport signal bruit non ponddrd bei Nennempfindlichkeit bezogen auf at nominal sensitjvity referred to ä la sensibilit6 nominale...

Page 24: ...nstall ation clamps are to be secured by fastening the chassis Encombrement Amplificateur A5O Tuner A76 Le montage des appareils ne doit jamais se faire par fixation de la plaque frontale Les amplifica teurs livr6s sans 6l6ments de mon tage seront fixds par les vis du chässis iFi rs3 I E E I f e E E I E E Y I E E 413 nrn Fig 13 __ _ t_ 1 41 m mnmm 395 mm J5 9 16 39S mm 15 9 16 Hersteller l 4 anu f...

Page 25: ...FM Tuner REVOX 476 Tuner FM REVOX A76 46 47 48 49 50 45 44 43 42 39 40 58 59 52 53 57 56 Fis 14 24 ...

Page 26: 48 TRIGGER LEVEL VAR iable variable trigger level 48 TRIGGER LEVEL VAR iable possibilito de varia pegel 39 EIN 39 ON tion du niveau de commutation 39 49 MUTING ON Stummabstimmung EIN 49 MUTING ON squelch ON 49 MUTING ON accord silencieux 50 MULTIPATH INDICATOR Mehrwegempfangsan 50 IVIULTIPATH INDICATOR multipath reception indi 50 MULTIPATH INDICATOR enclenchement de l indi zeige EIN cator ON ca...

Page 27: ...kets e g REVOX Amplifier A50 socket 33 see page g DIN output 57 for amplifiers with DIN input sockets or for direct hook up with tape recorders When using a tape recorder as amplifier Fig 15 clarifies the contact confi guration Controls AUDIO LEVEL 55 permit setting the output level in the range from 50 mvac to 1 Vac When connec ting to amplifiers without input level control volume matching to the...

Page 28: ... l 1 RE CEPTION page 30 Power Connection Plug the included power cord into socket 54 and connect to power outlet Raccordement de l antenne Les bornes 58 sont prdvues pour du cäble 240 f genre twin lead et pour la sortie des transformateurs adaptateurs raccordds aux installations d antennes collectives La borne 59 est prdvue pour le raccordement direct de cäble coaxial 60 O Le raccordement ä une in...

Page 29: ...AUTOI i ATlC 47 est lib6rde le point lumineux STEREO 45 s 6teint et l 6mission st6r6ophoni que est reproduite en monophonie Ce mode de fonction nement est recommandable pour les dmetteurs faibles affectds de souffle Commutation mono st6r6o ä niveau pr6r6glable La touche STEREO AUTOI 4ATlC 47 dtant enfoncee le ait d enfoncer dgalement la touche TRIGGER LEVEL VAR 48 rend la commutation automatique m...

Page 30: ...TEREO AUTO ATIC 47 bleibt gedrückt ausser wenn eine Stereo Sendung monophon abgehört werden will Die Taste TRIGGER LEVEL VAR 48 ist nur gedrückt wenn die Stereo Umschaltautomatik allein auf stärkere Sender reagieren soll auch Taste 47 gedrückt oder wenn Stummabstimmung gewünscht wird auch Taste 49 ge drückt Der Umschaltpegel wird jeweils am Regler 39 ein qestellt Die Taste IVIUTING 49 bleibt gedrü...

Page 31: ...mplifier in the party antenna system even the best tuner can t eliminate these troubles l 4ultipath reception results from reflections in the VHF transmission Such interferences are avoidable by suitably orienting the antenna A well shielded antennalead is the best protection against ignition spark interferences coax cable RG 58 directly terminated on the 60 O input 59 Sensitivity of tuner 476 is ...

Page 32: ...received signal strength 43 fig 17 informs on the values A patterned area indicates the ranqe for stereo reception Present configutation points out that best reception is reached with a turnable outdoor antenna of three to four elements Such an antenna is remotely adjusted to the maximüm received signal strength by simultaneously observing the indlcator 43 lf the light spot 42 kev 50 depressed sho...

Page 33: ... Stereo separation Pilot signal and subcarrier suppression Audio output 75 kHz deviation adjustable low internal impedance Frequency response Deemphasis Semiconductor complement Dual insulated gate FET lntegrated circuits Silicon transistors Diodes Silicon rectifiers lvlains Weight We reserve the right to make alterations as technical progress may warrant Tuner FM REVOX A76 Caract6ristiques techni...
