The Revolabs Elite Wired Microphone has a 15 feet cable attached that hosts
three wires. The three wires are red, black, and the shield/ground.
Connect the red wire to the positive (+) microphone input of the DSP or audio
equipment you use with the microphone. Similarly, connect the black wire
with the negative (-) input of the DSP. When connecting to a male XLR
connector, use the following polarity:
1 – Ground / Shield
2 – Positive (+)
3 – Negative (-)
The Elite Wired Microphone includes some active electronic
circuitry, and therefore requires Phantom Power to be provided
from the device the microphone is connected to. The Elite Wired
Microphone requires a phantom voltage between 9 and 48V DC,
with a draw of maximum 2mA.
Red – positive (+)
Black – Negative (-)
Shield - Ground