9: Test with paper
Hold the pencil as you would normally do.
Notice that your fingers make contact with the copper tape near the point of the pencil.
Draw a large fat line onto a piece of paper.
Hold a finger of your other hand on the line and press the pencil onto the line.
You shoud hear BEEP!
Now experiment with extending the drawing.
You should hear higher and lower pitches of that beep tone.
wet fingers
skin contact
Alternative Speaker connection:
Take two very short pieces of wire and strip both ends. Twist the ends.
Solder the wires to the two speaker pads, on the left and right side of the speaker.
Connect them to the SPK- and SPK+ holes on the PCB and solder them into place.
Note that it does not matter which wire connects to the + and the -
CC share alike credits:
Modified pcb layout by reverselandfill